Monday, 14 September 2015

Sports Direct

Just arranged to do two back to back classes on Thursdays at Sports Direct Merrow 9-10 am & 10-11 am starting October 8.

So with my Sunday classes at Sports Direct Merrow 9-10 am & 10-11 am.  That makes 4!  Great news.  So pleased that my classes are so popular.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Yoga in Sri Lanka

Travelling in Sri Lanka my neighbour's daughter Lucy Croucher based in Harrogate, Yorkshire took some photos of postures performed on the back of elephants.

Downward facing dog is not easy at the best of times!

How about performing the Cobra on the back of an elephant?!

Thanks Lucy for the photos.  
You'll have lots of exciting tales to tell on your return.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Thanks Fiona for sharing this with me.  
Its lovely to hear from others about their travelling experiences!

Lucky Fiona had time in Thailand even to do a tree pose and the eagle.  A commited Yogini who has followed the process!

What a stunning setting

Even transitioning into an Eagle!

Fiona says, 

"I have also attached the picture of my eagle. 

I think I need to work at it some more!  Oh well it is the journey…

I am a real believer in the journey and not the destination.  I have two elder brothers and we were very competitive growing up.  It is only in the last few years that I have really come to understand about the importance of the journey (and not whether I “win” or “lose”).  
Thank you for being a part of my journey!"

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Yoga for Beauty

Yoga for Beauty.  When the inner and outer are balanced Beauty blossoms.  Yoga works on the physical, mental and spiritual giving us Overall Wellbeing.  Have a brilliant day!

Today's agenda

Today I am teaching at St John's Hall Merrow, Guildford and later on at Sports Direct, Merrow.  The show goes on ....

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Jio

This is the mantra of Ecstasy – moving from darkness into light – ignorance into true understanding. 

By cutting through all darkness it invokes the Kundalini energy giving you vitality and purifying your past karma giving a new start and elevating our consciousness

When the pineal gland is balanced the aging process is slowed and mood swings are less extreme. 

By chanting this manta the reflex points in the mouth are stimulated putting you into a meditative state of mind.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Monday, 19 January 2015

Today I was in London and went to High Street Kensington and popped into Sweaty Betty. Really liked the green sportswear.  Left Church Street and made my way to the High Street and was drawn to another shop with lots of beautiful household furnisings; fabulous lighting and framed pictures which have given me lots of ideas.

Drove back to Guildford via A3 just after the rush hour picked up some logs and hurried home to make a fire.  Chanted Gobinday, Mukunday, Udaaray, Apaaray, Hariang, Kariang, Nirnamy, Akamay. (Translation: Sustainer, Liberator, Enlightener, Infinite, Destroyer, Creator, Nameless, Desireless).  Breaking through deep seated blocks and bringing compassion and patience to the one who meditates on it.

Methinks its working and I'm happy to be home and seated around the log fire contemplating my day!

Sunday, 18 January 2015

January 18 2015

Today I took the Sunday class at 10:00 am at Sports Direct Merrow. It was a straight forward Hatha Yoga class. We did some Pranayama breathing at the start to energise revitalise and provide energy for the rest of the day.  The weather was grey and misty early on but in the afternoon the sun shone and the sky was clear.

Saturday, 17 January 2015


2015 - a new year.  2014 was a year of change.  A move and a continuation with my Yoga.  Still teaching in Guildford.  I have a regular class on Sundays at Sports Direct in Merrow.  Just thought a few images in my Sweaty Betty gear might inspire others to get on their gear and practise a few poses!