Wednesday, 19 January 2011

HAR - Kundalini Mantra for prosperity and personal power


HAR is for prosperity and personal power. HAR is the Creative Aspect of Infinity.

Kundalini Yoga Mantras

Mantra is the creative process of the mind through sound. The Mantras used in your Kundalini
 Yoga practice have been designed to elevate or modify consciousness through their meaning and
 rhythmical repetition.

It is beneficial to link a mantra to the breath. This technique helps focus the 
mind and strengthen the endurance during challenging exercises.

Chant or mentally chant the mantra for 11 minutes, with or without special hand or body position.

Use the power of mantra to bring financial abundance into your life. You can chant the mantra, repeat it silently, or listen to it. Chant it out loud while you drive. Repeat it silently while waiting for your doctor’s appointment. Play it softly as ambient noise while you sleep, accessing your subconscious. Make mantra a habit in your normal, daily life. It will quickly become automatic and you will train your brain to have a habit of success. The energy of the sacred words will reverberate and fill your space, making it a money-attracting vortex.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

To blow away the January blues ... try Pranayama breathing



Prana – this subtle energy flows in either Ida or Pingala channels. Our energy system is usual more active in either the left or right sides, which are Ida or Pingala. Of the thousands of energy channels or (nadis), three are the most important: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna (central channel and the most important).

Solar and lunar breaths: The breath and the underlying energy, or Prana, usually flow predominantly on one side or other, the left or the right. Breath predominantly in the left nostril is described as cool, and sometimes referred to as feminine. The flow of Prana on the left is the lunar, and is called Ida. Breath flowing predominantly in the right nostril is described as hot, and sometimes referred to as masculine. The flow of Prana on the right is the solar, and is called Pingala.

Nostril dominance shifts: Usually we believe that we are breathing through both nostrils, although breath is normally dominant in one or the other. The dominance shifts from time to time during the day. For one with a well balanced body and mind, that shift of nostril dominance happens approximately once in ninety minutes. For other people, the shift may be much different. Sometimes one can be so off balance that one nostril remains dominant, which is a symptom of some physical, mental, or emotional difficulties.

Alternate nostril breathing


Position: raise the left hand as if making an oath – join the ring finger and thumb together. Raise the right hand stretch out the index finger and place it against the right nostril and then equally breathe in and out through the left nostril for about 4 minutes. Gently at first and stay with it as gradually the nostril will clear. Then breathe in – hold and interlace the fingers in front of the face – try and pull apart then exhale – do this three times.

Then to balance both sides start …


Position: raise the left hand and with the left thumb place it on the left nostril with the fingers pointing upwards. Place the right hand on the knee in Chin Mudhra (thumb and index finger joined together). Breathe through the right nostril co-ordinating it with the pumping action of the abdomen. Go gently at first and do this for about 2 minutes. Relax afterwards placing the hands on the lap and breathe normally – notice the quality of the breath. Stay for a minute or so and look through the third eye.


Lunar breath creates abundant white blood cells, which are responsible for guarding the body against unwanted viruses (ie colds). Our fear, shame, anger, frustrations and guilt are destructive emotions, which lead us to depression. They prevent the immune system from working properly. Lunar Breath heals the immune system by clearing out these unhealthy energies and restores vibrancy and positivity.

Breathing through the right nostril (Solar Breath) stimulates the Sun Energy making you more extrovert, enthusiastic. This breath keeps body weight down and aids digestions, giving you clarity of thought, making you more analytical and action orientated.